Tomizone Venue WiFi

Transform your free WiFi into a powerful marketing tool

Free 30 Day Trial
Available Globally

Offer an Engaging Experience

Upload your logo, choose your colour scheme and post specials, promotions and messages to make your login portal yours.

Super Simple Setup

Plug and play with your existing WiFi connection.

Easy Sign-in

Allow customers to connect through Email, Phone or Facebook authentication.

Understand your Customers

Good decisions are made on good data, not hunches or intuition. The more you know about your customers, the better you can advertise to them with precision.

Access invaluable insights
at your fingertips

Keep track of who your customers are, how often they visit and what they are worth to your business. Use those insights to send highly targeted, automated promotions to ensure they keep coming back, time and time again.

What we can help you achieve

Personal or corporate branding | SEO optimization | Web & UI Design | Standing out in the crowd

Customer Profiling

Collect detailed data to paint a clear picture of your customer demographic (Email/Phone, Gender/Age/Birthday).

  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Age
  • Birthday
  • Gender
  • Social Media Interests
Customer Database

All visitor information is stored in a cloud database, accessible anywhere.

Footfall Analysis

Learn what your prime hours are, measure the dwell time of visitors in your venue and review new vs. returning customer stats.

Interact with them

There’s no need to complicate something that should be simple. With Salient app notifications, your days of running late will be a thing of the past.

Design is the paradise
of individuality, eccentricity,
abnormality, and humors.

Gather valuable customer data, like emails and phone numbers, as well as gain insights about customer behaviour and demographics. Analytics reports reveal customer volume, loyalty rates, marketing campaign success, dwell time, repeat customer information, and Facebook Likes.

What we can help you achieve

Personal or corporate branding | SEO optimization | Web & UI Design | Standing out in the crowd

SMS Messages

Reward customer loyalty by sending a birthday discount, or automatically reach out to customers you haven’t seen in a while to bring them back.

Facebook Retargeting

Create promoted advertisements that will appear directly inside your customers’ social media (Facebook & Instagram) feeds

Email Campaigns

All visitor information is stored in a cloud database, accessible anywhere.

Instagram Retargeting

All visitor information is stored in a cloud database, accessible anywhere.


All visitor information is stored in a cloud database, accessible anywhere.

Lookalike Audiences

All visitor information is stored in a cloud database, accessible anywhere.

Free 30 Day Trial

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Plan Discounts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta, mi ut facilisis ullamcorper, magna risus vehicula augue, eget faucibus magna massa at justo. Nulla a arcu ut massa hendrerit


$ 19.99

Per Month
  • [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”tiny” image=”fa-check”] Custom Domain
  • [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”tiny” image=”fa-check”] 24/7 Customer Support
  • [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”tiny” image=”fa-check”] Month Of Free Bandwidth
  • [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”tiny” image=”fa-check”] Free WordPress Setup
  • [icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”tiny” image=”fa-check”] Cake Delivered Daily
[button size=”large” url=”#” text=”Sign Up Now” color=”Accent-Color” image=”default-arrow”]

Drop it like it's hotspot

Sign Up today for your Free 30 Day Trial. You've got nothing to lose.

Let's do this!